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Decorative Panels

Michelangelo Series - Ceiling Medallion

43" Diameter Our Michelangelo Series of medallions come completely finished and ready to install on your ceiling. Their relatively low profile (ranges from 3" to 4") make them suitable for fairly low ceilings. They are built from fiberglass, pvc, and oth

Base price: 487.27 USD
Base price with tax:
Salesprice with discount:
Sales price: 495.00 USD
You Save7.73 USD
BRR-11 Series (USA)
BRR-11 Series (Canada)

Manolas - Glass Art

Per Square Foot Pricing Looking for a way to separate your rooms or just a fabulous art piece for the living room? Something you just won't see anywhere else. The Renovation Store has a great selection or you can give us your ideas or colors and

Base price: 210.33 USD
Base price with tax:
Salesprice with discount:
Sales price: 210.33 USD
You Save
Round Copper 17" Bath Sink - Tortoise
Round Copper 17
285.60 USD
Tortoise (USA)
Tortoise (Canada)
Stone Vessels - V Cut - Various Styles
Stone Vessels - V Cut - Various Styles
355.56 USD