Kelowna - 4.2mm (12Mil) x 6’’ X 48’’ SPC flooring including 1mm EVA pad attached in 9 Colors, Stone Product Composite
Prices per Squ Ft. Kelowna's collection is a 4.2 mm ( 12 Mil ) x 6'' x 48'' stone composite (SPC) floor including integrated 1 mm EVA membrane.
Base price 1.56 USD
Base price with tax
Salesprice with discount
Sales price 1.56 USD
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Price / kg:
Kelowna - 4.2mm (12Mil) x 6’’ X 48’’ SPC flooring including 1mm EVA pad attached in 9 Colors, Stone Product Composite
Kelowna's collection is a 4.2 mm ( 12 Mil ) x 6'' x 48'' stone composite (SPC) floor including integrated 1 mm EVA membrane.
- No formaldehyde, no phthalate
- Tolerates conditions from +60°C to -60°C and up to 60 ft. li. without transition molding
- Floating installation (I4F “Drop Lock”)
- Can be installed on all floors
- Waterproof
- Can be installed on a radiant water or electric floor
- High resistance to direct sunlight
- 25 year residential warranty
- 3 year commercial warranty
- Floor Score Certified
Price is Per Squ Ft ( Will Calcutate by the Box at the CART )
Less than Pallet $ 2.25
Pallet Price $ 1.98
- 27.93 SquFt carton. / 45 ctn/Pallet - 1256.85 SquFt. / pallet
***NOTE*** ( 1-2 Day Turnaround )
Call for a shipping quote!
- **Shipping included to closest Depot for pick up
- To your Home Add 95.00
- Tailgate if required Add 65.00 ( Can be unloaded by Hand )