71 or 67″ Free Standing Reinforced Acrylic Composite Construction Bathtub - Brass Pop-Up Drain Included – Chrome Finish
Beautiful, ergonomic and comfortable, our new LAVELLO bathtub features harmonious clean lines, bathing well for pure pleasure.
67 or 59″ Free Standing Reinforced Acrylic Composite Construction Bathtub - Brass Pop-Up Drain Included – Chrome Finish
59"L x 29.3"W x 23.8"H (1499 x 743 x 603mm ) ... 67.25"L x 29.5"W x 24"H (1708 x 749 x 610mm )
67 or 59 FreeStanding Reinforced Acrylic Composite Construction Bathtub - Brass Pop-Up Drain Incl – Chrome Finish
59"L x 29"W x 24.5"H (1499 x 737 x 622mm ) 63"L x 31.25"W x 24.5"H (1686 x 791 x 622mm )
59, 63 or 67 In FreeStanding Reinforced Acrylic Composite Construction Bathtub - Brass Pop-Up Drain Incl –Chrome
59"L x 31.3"W x 24"H (1505 x 794 x 610mm ) 62.5"L x 31.5"W x 24"H (1588 x 800 x 610mm ) 66.375"L x 30.75"W x 24"H (1686 x 781 x 610mm )
80.5 or 68″ FreeStanding Reinforced Acrylic Composite Construction Bathtub - Brass Pop-Up Drain Included – Chrome Finish
Beautiful, ergonomic and comfortable, our new SALTO bathtub features harmonious clean lines, bathing well for pure pleasure.
67x32 inch Rectangular Acrylic Freestanding Bathtub in White
67.75" x 31.75" x 29" ( 1695x806x737mm )
59 & 67 Crystal Resin Free Standing Bathtub w Center Drain ( Depth 17 )
69x33 and 59x30 High Molecular Crystal Resin Warm to Touch, Easy to Clean, Won’t Fade High Thermal Water Heat Retention