32x32 High Gloss Acrylic Single or Double Threshold Shower Base with Center Drain FTS One Piece custom (tile over) Shower Base (pan) ( Regular or Linear Drain ) Custom Sizes, Thresholds & Shapes Available
Schluter® KERDI SHOWER KIT 48x48, 72x72 48x72 & 38x60 ( Complete Kit - Kit No Drain Grate - Kit No Drain Component )
The Schluter®-KERDI-SHOWER-KIT is an all-inclusive package containing each of the components required to create a watertight shower assembly.
Base price 400.41 USD
Base price with tax
Salesprice with discount
Sales price 400.41 USD
You Save
Price / kg:
Complete Kit Sizes
Kit NO Grate
Kit No Drain Components
Sizes Available in the Above 2

The Schluter®-KERDI-SHOWER-KIT is an all-inclusive package containing each of the components required to create a watertight shower assembly.
- Designed to create a fully waterproof and vapor-tight enclosure in tiled showers and residential steam showers
- Contains shower tray, shower curb, waterproofing membrane, and waterproofing strips, formed corners, pipe seal, and mixing valve seal
- Also includes KERDI-DRAIN with integrated bonding flange and grate available in various finishes
- Shower kit can also be purchased without a drain
- Multiple kit sizes available
The KERDI-SHOWER-KIT is your all-in-one solution to building a completely waterproof shower that is ready for tile.
The kit includes :
- 1 KERDI-SHOWER-ST shower tray
- 1 KERDI-SHOWER-SC shower curb
- 1 KERDI-DRAIN PVC or ABS with 2" outlet, 4" grate ( Stainless Steel or Chrome ) extra
- 1 roll KERDI waterproofing membrane
- 1 roll KERDI-BAND waterproofing strip
- 4 inside and 2 outside KERDI-KERECK preformed waterproofing corners
- 1 KERDI-SEAL-PS pipe seal 3/4"
- 1 KERDI-SEAL-MV mixing valve seal 4-1/2"
3 Kits Available:
Complete Kit
NO Drain Kit
NO Grate Kit
Complete Kit