DELTA - C-SPOUT Collection

An elegant faucet that takes on a unique personality with each handle option.
The arching spout provides a distinctive look to any bath.
Lifetime Faucet and Finish Warranty
DELTA - C-SPOUT Collection
Base price 96.75 USD
Base price with tax
Salesprice with discount
Sales price 96.75 USD
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CSpout Centerset/Single Hole Bath Faucet
\"\" \"WaterSense\"
1 or 3-hole 4" installation
Model: 583-WF
Price as shown:  $138.20

Available Finishes: (hover for name) \"\" \"\"

CSpout Centerset Bath Faucet
3-hole 4" installation
Model: 2583-LHP H215
Price as shown:  $174.55

Available Finishes: (hover for name) \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

CSpout Widespread Bath Faucet
3-hole 6-16" installation
Model: 3583-PBLHP H215PB
Price as shown:  $471.00

Available Finishes: (hover for name) \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

CSpout RT/Whirlpool Faucet Trim Kit
3-hole 8-16" installation
Model: T2783-LHP H612
Price as shown:  $369.00

Available Finishes: (hover for name) \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"

Athens - Marble or White - Artistic Acrylic 67 Freestanding Bathtub
7ce4e01d77c40b504735c3a354ebd602 a
1,228.76 USD
Select a Finish
Shipping Extra
Chalet 1800 Woodburning Insert
Chalet 1800 Woodburning Insert
945.80 USD